Training from train-spam-small.txt and train-ham-small.txt Testing from test-spam-small.txt and test-ham-small.txt number of emails 3 vs 2 entire vocab {'viagra', 'phil', 'the'} entire vocab size is 3 spam words {'viagra': 3, 'phil': 1, 'the': 3} ham words {'the': 2, 'phil': 2, 'viagra': 0} Beginning tests. Testing spam emails. Test email 1 priors= 0.6 0.4 likelihoods= 0.064 0.046875 probs= 0.0384 0.018750000000000003 TEST 1 2/3 features true -3.260 -3.977 spam right 1 out of 1 classified correctly. Testing ham emails. Test email 1 priors= 0.6 0.4 likelihoods= 0.023999999999999987 0.046875 probs= 0.014399999999999991 0.018750000000000003 TEST 1 0/3 features true -4.241 -3.977 ham right 1 out of 1 classified correctly. Total: 2/2 emails classified correctly.